Fldigi DX Cluster
Fldigi DX Cluster is a full featured Telnet DX Cluster application that works strictly with
Fldigi by Dave Freese W1HKJ. The application works with either AR-Cluster Telnet Nodes or DX-Spider Telnet Nodes.
A few features of the application are:
A. When Fldigi has rig control enabled via built in rig control or using the FlRig application clicking on a spot will change the rig frequency to match that of the spot.
B. When a mode that Fldigi supports is spotted in a spot’s comments and that spot is clicked on, the rig frequency will be adjusted so the spot frequency lands on your specified audio frequency.
C. As WWV or WCY spots are posted their data is added to the WWV drop down selector located on the Telnet Cluster tab giving the user a historical view of WWV data.
D. Multiple ways to filter spots with audio alerts to alert the user of a highlighted spot.
E. Includes a Bandmap of Spots for the band the radio is on of for other bands as a monitor Bandmap
F. Includes a World Map showing spots that are posted plus grayline propagation.
Current Version: 2.0.0
Full Install Download:FldigiDxClusterFullInstallv200.zip
Current Update Version: 2.0.1
Update Only Download:FldigiDxClusterUpdate.zip
If you have never installed FldigiDXCluster then you need to download the Full Install version first! Then download the update.
To update the software download the update file and unzip the files over the currently installed files.
I have posted an update to the FldigiDXCluster software. This version corrects a couple things.
1. The calculation for the long path and short path bearing was not funtioning correctly.
2. The Longitude and Latitude when entered was not used correctly in azimuth calculations.
3. After entering you longitude and latitude or grid square the program now needs to be restarted after changes were made.
4. Adds Country Name to the text at the bottom of the map when mousing over a packet spot.
5. Adds Country Name to the Spot Grid columns.
To install the update download the Update file and unzip the files over your currently installed FldigiDXCluster files.
73 Rick N2AMG
not possible to display the page to can downloadFldigiDxClusterUpdate.zip
How to have different possibilites of characters or polices to see that with higher characters in FldigiDXcluster ?
I’m not sure of what you are asking for.. can you try to explain it a little bit better so I can understand it..
73 Rick N2AMG
Hi Rick,
Put Windows 10 on the laptop to take to the beach. Updated fldigi to the latest,updated fldigi-dx-cluster to 2.01. I start fldigi first,then your s/w and both come up ok, but your s/w says fldigi not connected. I try setup/fldigi and it gives me “runtime error 383, text property is read only”.
Any ideas?
John W4JKL
Last week Fldigi made a change in the way the caption of Fldigi reads. Because of this change the Cluster software is no longer finding Fldigi. I will try to get to this this week but I have had some other issues taking time away from me doing this. I will post here as soon as I get an Update.
As for the Run Time error can you tell me what you had pressed or done when the error came up? Also look and see if in the clusters directory there is a DebugLog.txt file if there is send that to me direct at rellison@twcny.rr.com
73 Rick N2AMG
Hi Rick, from Ed KG4W. Is there any news regarding the fldigi cluster software ?
Just getting stsrted with Fldigi here.
I just tried the latest Fldigi with the latest version of the cluster software and it is working correctly on my computer. My OS is Windows 10 x64
73 Rick N2AMG
Hi Rick,
I am having difficulty installing FLDigi dx Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04 can you post a short “How To”. Does it autostart with FLDigi or is there a short script to get it going?
Thanks de Cliff
Hi Cliff..
The Fldigi DXCluster program is a windows only program. It won’t run on Linux Sorry about that.. I’m not that talented of a programmer to be able to write code like Dave that works on all languages.. Someday when I get time I will try learn C++ so I am able to do that..
73 Rick N2AMG
Hi Rick,
i cannot install the software, a message comes:
some system files are out of date
My operation system is windows XP 32Bit, Processor athlon 64 3500+
bet 73s
Michael DL5IB
Not sure what would cause that as it was originally wrote on XP. I will setup a VM of XP and see if I can reproduce the problem. I’ll get back to you as soon as I do..
73 Rick n2AMG
Hi Rick,
Note added in proff:
I reinstalled my Windoes XP – the same problem.
Furthermore, also the FLDIGI-DXLAB-Gateway connot be installed.
During installation the message:
the file c:\windows\system32\stdole2.tbl is protected by windows. You need to update your operating system
comes. I do not know in which way I should update my system (Windows XP, SP3).
It seems to be a similar problem as i reported above.
vy 73
Michael DL5IB
Can you change the settings for W4NJA cluster. PORT 7373
Thanks NU4N/Dave
It has come to my attention that due to updates in Windows 10 and the age of this software the controls that are used in the program will not work properly in OS’s that are higher that windows 7.
I am in the middle of a total re-write of my Fldigi-DXLabs Bridge and after I get done with that I will start re-writing the DXCluster Software.
73 Rick N2AMG
unable to install ur software on win7. where r instructions?
tuck af6gq