My current station consists of the following:
Main Rig: Icom 706 MKIIG w/ LDG Z100 ATU
Second Rig: Icom 737A
Radio Shack HTX202 Handheld
50′ Homemade Rotatable Dipole for 17meters
40′ Cushcrat A3 with 40 meter Add-on Kit (40-20-15-10)
50′ Carolina Windom 80-10 meters.
25′ 6 meters – 1.2ghz 13 element log periodic
Ham IV Rotor
Radio Shack TV antenna Rotor
35′ HyGain HG35 Tower
Numorus Antenna Switches (All HF antennas can be switched between 2 radios)
MFJ-784 Tunable DSP
MFJ-941D Tuner
2 Rascal Soundcard interfaces

This is a picture of my shack. The radio on the right is an Icom 706MK2G and the radio on the left is the Icom 737A. (Click to enlarge)

Close-up of the radio's . Left is the Icom 737A and on the right my Main rig the Icom 706MK2G. (Click to enlarge)

Left Side of the Desk. Includes my antenna switching network on the left. This switching network allows me to switch any of the 5 antennas to either radio. And on the right starting at the bottom is a PK232MBX TNC, a MFJ-784 Tunable DSP , Audio switch box and Rascal Soundcard Interface for the 737A. The audio switch box lets me switch audio from the 737A either thru the Tunable DSP or direct to either the TNC or the Rascal Soundcard Interface. On the Top shelf is a MFJ 941D Tuner. This is connected in line with the 706MK2G for tuning the WARC bands on my Windom antenna that the Z100 auto-tuner won